Thursday, November 1, 2012


 Just a few more days and we won't have to be hearing Meat Loaf sing any more.  Not that we were listening to him much these days anyway.  As God intended; the election will be over on Tuesday night.
 I definitely will be voting.  I plan on taking my driver's license, my Von's card, and a former little league teammate with me to help verify that I am whom I am.  I will be taking a cheat sheet with me to help me remember which way to vote on some of the propositions.  This year I have actually done more due diligence.  I don't need the L.A. Times to tell me which way to vote.  I have a mind of my own.  But, I do need that cheat sheet.
 How about these silly propositions! "Yes means No."  "More money for schools.  Unless we find something else to do with the cash."  "No more death row.  Let them get killed by the regular prison inmates."  "Keep big businesses from over-donating.  Except the big businesses that are supporting this proposition."  Yep, everything is clear to me.
 Unemployment will definitely spike right after the election.  Pundits and pollsters will be out of work.  I expect to see Chris Matthews at the bottom of a freeway on ramp holding up a sign that reads, "Will Pundit For Food".  Pollsters will no longer have anybody's attention as they babble on about swing states and the importance of the Jewish women's vote in Delaware.
 Campaign advisors will lose their sense of importance and have to go back to picking up their own dry cleaning.  John Sununu will continue to chew on steel wool and tell the neighborhood's kids to get off of his lawn, but at least he won't be on with Wolf Blitzer talking about lazy people from Kenya.  David Axelrod will not worry about having a bad hair day.  He will just have to accept the fact that every day is a bad hair day for him.
 Most people believe that this election should be all about the economy.  I would concur if I honestly believed that anybody really knew how to fix the economic mess that we are in.  Here are a list of folks that I surmise don't have a clue as to how to properly deal with the monetary fiasco:  Obama, Biden, Romney, Ryan, Bernanke, Greenspan, Geitner, Paulsen, Reich, Krugman, Krauthammer, Jim Cramer and Suze Orman.
 Trickle down.  The middle class.  The haves.  The have nots.  One has to realize that our nation is run by a bunch of Gordon Gekkos.  It always has been.  From John D. Rockefeller to the Koch Brothers.  It is just a lot harder to rise up to be a Gekko these days.  That's the significant difference from years gone by.
 So; I don't believe that the economy has the monopoly on importance this year.  The deficit will not be fixed in the next four years.  Don't expect any budgets to be balanced.  Raising taxes and proposing cuts.  I'm not hearing those words  coming out of either of the candidates' mouths.  Jobs will still  continue to be outsourced.  Hedge fund guys will still have third homes.  Teachers will still be denied pay raises.  Alex Trebek will still be hosting Jeopardy.
 This election; women's rights, Supreme Court appointees, and healthcare are the issues that grab my attention.  Of course I want Todd and Lou to get married.  Haven't forgotten about those boys.   Calm down.  You too Brenda and Carol.  I just needed to prioritize.  That's all.
 Tuesday's election is very important.   Women will be paying close attention.  Late Tuesday they will be either exhaling a sigh of relief or googling Guadalajara women's clinics.  They will be either running corporations or getting coffee for their Mad Men bosses.  Women should realize that you don't have to be a lesbian to keep a man out of your vagina.  Women can vote.  Tuesday's election is very important.
 Tuesday's election is very important.  It is inevitable that change will occur on the Supreme Court.  The average age of the Supreme Court Justices is death.  If Obama wins, folks will want Justice Scalia to build a home next to Mitt's in the Cayman Islands and enjoy retirement.  If Romney wins, folks will be telling Justice Ginsburg that she could make more money being a judge on the X Factor.   Tuesday's election is very important.
 Tuesday's election is very important.  Especially if you are having surgeries on every body part like I seem to be having lately.  Obamacare is a step in the right direction for everybody.  It's not perfect.  Far from it.  You still have to mortgage your home if you are having a root canal done.  Plus, if you have kids, they might actually hang around the house until they are 26 just to keep their health insurance.  Like I said, not perfect.  Romney said on Day 1, I'm assuming in between inauguration parties, that he would repeal it.   If it is repealed by the new regime be prepared to remain in the dreaded 47% for the rest of your life after paying for a couple of future MRI's.  Tuesday's election is very important.
 Despite the great divide in this country it is my hope after all the votes have been counted that our nation can once again be united.   Republicans and Democrats can reach across the aisle and work together.  More civility and less vitriol.  Blah, blah, blah!  Actually, what I really hope for, is that my guy wins and I can dance all over my misguided family members and facebook friends that I haven't deleted yet.  I'm just sayin'...